#45 Cutting with a Riding Lawnmower

All my life I have used a push mower to cut lawns, ever since I was about 12. Although I was not real excited about cutting lawns when I was a teenager, I do enjoying the activity now. I get exercise, thousands of ‘steps’, and a sweat and thirst that can be best satisfied with an ice cold beer. A freshly cut lawn is a beautiful sight.

I have never really had an opportunity to learn how to use a riding lawnmower. This opportunity presented itself when my sister and her husband were out of the country for over 2 weeks. They just moved into a new house that is 3 acres and would need some assistance, for which I offered.

The first time I drove their lawnmower at their old house, the controls were so responsive and the speed so fast that I ran into one of their trees. Everyone got a good laugh at me for that. Now this time it was for real. My brother-in-law’s mower is the ultimate. Besides the quickness and speed (10 mph?), it has a zero turn radius.

So on July 12 we set out to their house in Virginia to complete the task. At first I was so shaky that I avoided the fence and trees, relying on Mary Ann to cut with the push mower around those edges. (She got the raw end of the deal. Sorry, Honey.) After a half hour or so I started to get the hang of it. By the end of the two plus hours of cutting, I was well coordinated with the controls and was cutting the lawn quickly and efficiently.  And I did not hit any trees.  I did, however, ran over one of the dog’s tennis balls, but in my defense I couldn’t see it hidden in the tall grass.

This was a fun experience.  I’d do it again.  I may have found a new skill and retirement job. I might be available to my local blog followers to cut lawns. Riding lawnmower or push mower.

Below is a picture of the John Deere before I started cutting.  Hey, don’t laugh at the socks; I only wear them to cut lawns.

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